As hard as it is for many people to come to terms with. Cash is no longer king and it is becoming less and less viable to not have a card machine in your business. In the vast majority of industries, most of your clients won't ever be carrying cash.
For any business that does already have a card terminal in place, with the increased spending on cards, you will start to see your bill raise. This is normal because if you're processing more you'll also pay more. But let us check to make sure you're only paying exactly what you need to.
Much like every other service in your business, there will never be on card terminal that is the best fit for every business.
Let us pick the right one for you.
Here at SME Support, we don't hang onto your money any longer than it takes to process.
Get your funds sooner with our fast funding option.
Much like picking the right Card Terminal for your business, picking the right merchant service provider can be difficult.
With each provider having its own benefits. Let us break it down and make things simple for you.
In most cases, we are able to integrate the new system with any system you might currently have in place (EPOS and E-commerce) giving you a seamless switchover.
With every service SME Support supplies you with, we offer end-to-end training to make sure all our staff knows exactly how to use to equipment.
We also offer refresher training throughout the term of the contract.
Simply fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page and one of our experienced consultants will get back to you ASAP.
If you already have a Merchant Service Contract in place, you can attach the most recent bill and we can have a quote ready for you.
If so, get in contact today and make sure you have the best solution for your business.
Just like any other technology, it doesn't take long for your payment systems to become outdated. Let us stay on top of it for you.
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